BYOB Goes to Manila

Whenever I took my bayong with me during my errands to Naga (small city), I have always wondered if I can actually walk the streets of Manila (big city), carrying it.

Challenge accepted!

Challenge completed!

Last December, with about a hundred commuters I saw, the plastic bags, paper bags, and ”biodegradable” bags they were carrying really paled in comparison to my bayong.

I know what you’re thinking: ”One has to be fashionably fearless to actually be using one of these.”

I agree.

My ”competitive” bayong at Ayala Avenue:


Etched in Stone – Iriga Church

I know of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. I also know that it cannot actually speak.

If stones can speak, what stories will it tell? We will never know, will we?

In this segment, Etched in Stone, I will bring you to Bikol’s well-preserved, often-visited, and beautified churches as I see them, one at a time.

Iriga Church.

According to the stone that speaks, verbatim:


And here’s what the stone was really saying: a longer version with more details.

The church’s patron: St. Anthony de Padua


The altar.


The church.



The angel.


Mama’s Garden 2

The other day, I woke up, walked to the kitchen, and I see this:


It’s one of my favorite fruits and it came right out of Mama’s garden. How cool is that?

It weighed more than 2 kg and I ate about 1/4 of it.  I did not get to take a picture when it was opened because I was too excited to eat it.

It’s called the guyabano fruit or soursop. Its flesh is white, its seeds are black. It has a distinct aroma and flavor, and the flesh just happily slides down your throat.

This fruit is not only yummy, it might also have certain anti-cancer properties according to (in vitro) studies.

Guess what Mama can do with this fruit. Wine!


The white wine tastes good on its own, chilled.  I also enjoy it as a cocktail, when mixed with mango juice or orange-calamansi juice.

Summer is only two months away. It’s the time of the year when a lot of fruits are in season. I’m looking forward to (eat) what else comes out of Mama’s garden.